Here is my new handbag. I will have these up as custom bags that can be ordered through my website soon (I know I always say soon, I just keep running out of time at the end of the day, so if you can't wait, please send me an email)
Technically not sewing, but thought I'd add some photos of Jordan at is "space themed" dress up day last Friday. He decided to go as an alien, but I couldn't find anything alienish anywhere. Bearing in mind he told me this Thursday morning, here's what we came up with after a trip to trusty ol Spotlight for supplies:

Jai desperately needs some new clothes, so I've made a start and whipped up these shorts yesterday!

I too have been growing out of my clothes and especially missing my skirts so I made my first maternity skirt on Monday

It feels so great to be back in the sewing groove again. I went to spotlight today to pick up a couple of new patterns, some new ones for the baby and a new pattern for Jordan to make some shorts up for him, he's gone into the "teen" sizing range now - he's only 7 but is wearing size 9 or 10 already as he is so tall!
Thanks for looking!
Wow Natalie, your sewjo really has returned - you have been so busy and I LOVE the skirt!
That skirt is so pretty! Glad to here you are back sewing again, feels good, doesn't it??
Oh I love belly shots :)
Very funky shorts and the skirt is great too.
Beautiful skirt! So cool and summery.
Natalie you are looking great. Love all the things you have been making, looks like you are back in sewing mode
Oh Natalie, look at that lovely belly! I got a bit scared at the alien shot too! LOL
What a great post! You all look great and you have been knocking out some fabulous creations! That skirt is so pretty.
Your boys are just so lovely - can't wait to see your girly version! x
It all looks lovely Natalie, I love the bag, your boys are adorable.
Gosh, you have been busy. I love it all, and your belly's growing nicely!
Love everything (especially the belly!). And I am gonna steal your sewjo - well, the word that is.
how great must it be to sew your own maternity wear! looks great - as do all the other things! you make me want to sew - may blog about that tonight...
Great post and nice pictures!Very nice handmade bag!
Your have been really busy sewing. Everything looks great. Glad your sewjo is back :)
Wow, Natalie! You are on a roll. I love the bag, but where are you going to put a pic of #3?
And the alien costume is fabulous. You always make the best dress-ups.
hi again,
i did end up blogging about my desire to quilt - and i featured a pic of your beautiful doll quilt - hope you don't mind!
Wow Nat, the bag is awesome! And great job on Jai's shorts too, I love them.
And that maternity skirt is awesome, I remember seeing you in that outfit and never knew that skirt was handmade. Brilliant job!! Clever thing you LOL
gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you look great and so do your boys!
I love the fabirc on that bag, you did a great job.
I love the fabirc on that bag, you did a great job.
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