I got:
* Yo-yo bunting, how adorable is this!!! I would NEVER have thought to use yo-yos in this way, I just adore all the different coloured fabrics too.

* Santa doll, Jai just loves cuddling it and keeps shaking him to make the bell on his hat jingle.

* Gorgeous purple christmas fabric (my favourite colour!)
* Cute drawstring pouch bag that contained the Santa candle and beaded Santa ornament.
* A present for each of the boys, a reindeer candy cane, reindeer peg ornament and a christmas craft kit.

Thank you so much Kylie for all our gifts, they will be treasured for many years to come.
Here's some photos of the swap items I sent to my partner, Karen. A quick shot of the Christmas bunting I made, taken in my lounge room before wrapping it up:

I have to say a huge THANK YOU to our SS organiser, Leah - you did a great job hon!!!
What a beautiful parcel you got Natalie. Kylie must have spent hours and hours and hours on those yoyos!!!
Yes hours is what was spent on those yoyos - I have them down to a fine art now, let me tell you. I am glad that you liked it all Natalie.
Love that yoyo bunting. It must have taken ages. Well done Kylie
What a fabulous idea the yoyo bunting is - love it!!
you guys are all so talented - and it's obvious you love what you do! i love looking at all your wonderful creations :)
merry christmas to all!
Gorgeous! What a great idea the swap was...maybe next year!
Yo Yo Bunting! Cool idea!
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