I just love new fabric!!! I try to buy with an item in mind, but other times I see something that is just too cute and just have to have ;) Here's some of my recent lovelies:
All of these from
Retro Mummy - Jack and the beanstalk I think will be some shorts for Jai (next year), lovely retro fabric for a bag for me, the skipping girl fabric (I already have the skipping boy one so want to make some matching applique tops for the boys and their sister!), Jungle fabric - mainly bought it to cut out for appliques, maybe some bibs too, and a cute little nursery rhyme print too.

And also this adorable cupcake fabric - one that I'm not entirely sure what I'll make with, but it was just too cute to let slip by.

I think it would look very cute as a little pini and maybe some bibs with what's left over.
Here's some from a recent trip to Spotlight:

This is a lovely knit that had gone down to only $6 per metre, so bought 2.5 metres. I plan to make the top and ruffle pants from the pattern first, and then look at the other items on there too with what's left over.

Unicorn flanellette!!! I just HAD to have this as I am doing a Unicorn theme for the baby's room. I'm a bit stuck as to what to make from it, only ever used flannel for pjs, but think I will start off with a padded change mat cover, maybe some bibs (looks like I'll be making lots of bibs lol!) and perhaps a few cushions to scatter around the room.

This was on the clearance rack for only $3 per metre. Think it will make a lovely dress and pini.

This shirred fabric was in a remnant bag with a few other pieces - will make a lovely dress!

I had intended on covering the baby bassinette I bought for Jai, as the one I got for him was all blue, so I went off to Spotlight, found the vogue pattern and then picked out the fabric and ribbon trim to make it. Unfortunately when Steve got the bassinette out of the shed we found that it must've gotten damp as it had gotten mouldy. So I ended up going out and buying a lovely plain white one, so will use the ribbons to sew around the top and bottom, just like the pattern and have decided to use the fabric to re-cover my glider chair cushions instead!
Lastly, the lovely
Ingrid from
Lottielulu had gone through her pattern stash and offered some up to us EB sewing girls. I was lucky enough to pick the Simplicity pattern, I thought it was just so adorable! We had gotten some bad news about Steve's job, along with 600 other employees nationwide, he was made redundant. So Ingrid sent along all these other lovely extras as a 'cheer up' package for me. It also ended up being a 'good luck' package as Steve signed an offer with a new company the next day!

I can't wait to use the fabric, it is all just so beautiful. Ingrid even included some of her postcards, magnets and calender too - I just love her logo. Thank you so much Ingrid, I'm lucky to have such a caring and thoughtful friend!
1 comment:
Natalie I lvoe all the fabrics you got. I think Corrie will be jealous you got that shirred fabric in the remnant bin as she made some great things with that last year
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