Cheriese Adrienne was born on 8th April (her EDD!!) at 2:30am weighing 3.375kg (7lb 7oz) 49cm long with a head circumference of 32cms. Our homebirth was just beautiful, totally amazing and perfect in every way, with Jordan and Jai in awe at seeing their little sister come into this world.
I will get around to writing my birth story properly later on, for now I'll do as Helen suggested and just fill this post with her gorgeous photos!

Your page brought tears to my eyes, especially the final picture of the little fingernails!
Sweet, sweet new life!
A big congratulations Natalie!! That's so exciting for you, very pretty name too. Well done!!
Isn't she just gorgeous. How lucky are you, three beautiful children.
Well done on your planned home birth, I am sure you are very proud.
Divine - that's the only word that seems to fit! The pic with the boys is so beautiful Nat, they look so happy. Lovely, lovely, lovely!
Natalie she is so absolutely beautiful and your joy in the post birth shots is incredible. Well done to you and your family
I just love the look on your faces! Well done Mama, you've done such a great job. What beautiful children you have. You really should have put a warning at the start: "Will induce you into a hormonal Baby wanting mode"! *cluck cluck* Can't wait to hear the whole story when you have time x
Thanks for sharing the pictures Natalie. You all look so relaxed in your own surroundings. She is a beautiful little girl.
Congratulations Natalie & family! What a beautiful experience ~ she is utterly adorable :)
Thanks Natalie...enjoy your little girl...great pics!!
Oh Natalie! Your post also made me all teary with joy too! Congratulations, well done and isn't she beautiful?
Lovely :)
Oh Wow Nat! Wow! I was gtetting teary looking at those shots! Wow! The look of pure joy on your face in the first two, wow, wondeful shots, what a precious moment to share. Awwwwww, I'm so stoked for you! A homebirth with a beautiful baby girl at the end. Congrats hon. xx
oh WOW Natalie! You didnt need words at all, the pictures are just beautiful. What an amazing experience for you as a family to welcome your little one at home. well done sweetheart. You are the best mumma any little girl could wish for.
They are some of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen. Thank you so much for sharing them!
Congratulations once again on the birth of your beautiful little girl. Looking forward to seeing lots of photos as she grows up :)
Just gorgeous pictures of you and your Dh and baby girl. Congrat's again
Congratulations, she's gorgeous! Amazing photos!
Cheriese is just beautiful and I can see the look of joy on all your faces.
Congratulations again to you and your family.
Oh wow - congratulations. You all look estatic - well done you and welcomw Cheriese
Congratulations Natalie on the birth of your gorgeous little girl. She looks so similar to Jai I think.
It's so true what they say, " A picture is worth a thousand words."
Your after birth photos express such a powerful, unadulterated joy and the raw emotion in them made me cry. I am so happy you got to experience such an amazing homebirth with your husband and your beautiful boys right there with you.
Natalie, congratulations, I just love the pics, so amazing.
gorgeous birth pics Natalie.
oh oh oh I was stalking for days for photos and now here they are! beautiful and she is such a cutie wutie!
well done on the homebirth and hope you're all settling in well
CONGRATULATIONS n the arrival of sweet little angel...she is absolutely gorgeous and you and your husband look absolutely over joyed! what a gift! bet your little boys are smitten with their new sister :)
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