Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kids Clothes Week - Day 2

I'm happy to report that I have a finished top!

This pattern came together so quickly - I didn't even have to use my unpicker once! This is a record for me. I did change the method of attaching the neckline binding though. I have previously used another Ottobre pattern that called for sewing the sleeves to the front and then one of the sleeves to the back, attaching the neckline binding and then sewing the back to the remaining sleeve. I found this so fiddly and hard to get this seam even and didn't think it looked nice. So I attached the binding for this top in the same way I would with my other patterns by attaching the sleeves to the front and the back and then sewing the neckline binding into a circle and stitching it, folding it over thus enclosing the neck edge and doing two rows of top-stitching to finish it off. I remember when I first started sewing I would try to follow the instructions to the letter and often found it a lot harder, but now I'm finding the confidence to do things my own way.

The only shame about this top is that it is just fitting her now, I made a size 86 but should probably use a 92 from now on...... my little girl is growing up.

Close up of the decorative flower hem edging, been wanting to branch out and start to use some of the 100 odd different stitches I have.
Here she is showing off her latest 'artwork'
good thing it is on the new door that hasn't been painted yet.... sigh......

I have her skirt all ready to sew up, but that will have to wait until later this evening or will be tomorrow's afternoon project.

There's also still 2 spots free if you would like to be part of my Pay It Forward too.



AJ said...

She is so cute Natalie!!

Cass said...

Looks great Natalie. I love that artwork too!

Beetlehouse Designs said...

It looks fantastic. I can't believe how fast she is growing up.

Unknown said...

Cute top! I had a go at the decorative stitching on my sewing machine for kids clothes week too - not quite as nice as yours though!